Why do I need to review special confidentiality terms for this test?
Who has the additional confidentiality expectations described in the special test terms?
How long do I have to review the additional confidentiality terms?
What personal data do you share?
Why do I need to review special confidentiality terms for this test?
You have already agreed not to share information about the tests that you take through UserTesting. You can find the details of this agreement in our Terms of Service.
Some companies design tests that have sensitive or highly confidential information within the test. These companies may include additional confidentiality terms that a contributor must review prior to taking the test.
If you do not wish to comply with the additional confidentiality terms, do not take the test.
Who has the additional confidentiality expectations described in the special test terms?
The additional confidentiality terms are between you and the company requesting the test. These confidentiality terms are in addition to the UserTesting Terms of Service.
What does this mean for me?
We strongly encourage you to read the additional confidentiality terms and make sure you are comfortable complying with those expectations before taking the test.
How long do I have to review the additional confidentiality terms?
Once you accept a test from your dashboard, you have 15 minutes to start recording. This means that any terms must be reviewed within that 15-minute window. If you do not start recording within this window, the test will be released so another contributor can complete it. Our customers sincerely appreciate the quick turnaround time.
Being released from a test due to not starting within 15 minutes will not affect your ability to complete other tests.
What personal data do you share?
Once you have accepted the additional confidentiality terms, we will share your username with the company running the test. The company will also have access to the recording you made during the test and demographic information that you supplied as part of your UserTesting profile.
The company requesting the test may have a legal entitlement to additional information about you. If requested, we will also provide the company requesting the test the date and timestamp of when you reviewed and confirmed you will comply with the confidentiality terms, your name, email address, PayPal email address, and the IP address from where you accessed our platform while performing the test.